Residents have responsibility for maintaining the naturestrip outside their house.
- Residents can register with Council and garden on their naturestrip using an approved list of plants (currently does not include edible plants).
- Residents need to maintain clear lines of visibility for traffic, and clear pathways for pedestrians.
- In areas with heavy traffic pollution could be a problem.
Street Trees
Currently planted and maintained by Council.
- Some olive and bay trees have been planted.
- Extra maintenance and watering required for trees producing fruit or nuts.
- Fallen fruit laying on the ground and rotting could be a hazard to pedestrians.
- Harvesting of tall trees and trees near roadways could be hazardous
Fruiting Trees in parks & public spaces
Currently planted and maintained by Council staff.
- Some edible trees could be planted in parks and public spaces.
- Increased requirements for watering and maintenance limited by staffing levels.
- Fallen fruit could be a hazard to park users and attract insects and vermin.
Community Gardens
Space to grow food in plots or shared areas.
Space to grow food in plots or shared areas.
- There are some unused spaces that could be considered for community gardens.
- Groups would need to develop their own governance structures and take responsibility for maintaining the sites.